190531 Cedar Point Provisions Mini Corn Dogs on a Stick ©Donald Seder Jr.

The mini corn dog meal at Cedar Point has always been one of those gateway options to get access to fresh cut fries. Our son loves the corn dogs, while we savagely steal the fries dipped in malt vinegar and ketchup. It is an equitable arrangement.

Now that Forbidden Frontier on Adventure Island is open, Cedar Point has elected to make the same mini-corn dogs available in alternative form, on a stick at Provisions!

Guests receive 12 mini corn dogs (6 per stick) with an order. Along with the order comes a side of honey mustard sauce.

For those that like corn dogs, like our kids, these are a great option that is portable around the island.

All meals at the Provisions are not currently available on the Cedar Point dining plan.

If you have eaten the mini corn dogs on a stick, please let us know your comments and feedback below in the comments.

Fact Sheet

What: Mini Corn Dogs on a Stick
Where: Provisions (Cedar Point)
Calories: 500-900
Cost: $9.99
Dining Plan: Yes
Pros: Good flavor; quick bite easy to walk around with in hand.
Cons: Sticks, while a FUN novelty, actually made them difficult to eat

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