190504 Cedar Point Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp (4)

Over at Crystal Rock Cafe inside Cedar Point Shores, the park has been offering a funnel cake battered fried shrimp that was not really on our radar until now. For 2019, the same funnel cake battered fried shrimp will be offered at Lakeside Express, making it another good reason why it is one of our hidden secret favorite dining locations at Cedar Point.

If we had a choice, the crab cakes might be our first pick of meals to enjoy at Lakeside Express. However, they are not offered on the Cedar Point dining plan. Luckily, this season Cedar Point is offering quite a few other great options on the dining plan at Lakeside Express.

An order of the funnel cake battered fried shrimp includes 6 hand dipped large shrimp with tails on. Baskets include fries.

Adding the funnel cake batter makes all the difference with this meal. We were expecting your standard, frozen, butterflied, generic battered shrimp like those that used to be offered at Burger Patio. While they were a nice option and something different, these new funnel cake battered shrimp are outstanding!

The funnel cake batter gives the shrimp a really nice sweet flavor without being too heavy of a breading. The good news is they should also cook quick, which means hopefully they can turn these over quite quickly.

We ate our shrimp with some of the Cajun horseradish aioli served with the crab cakes, but it would be nice to see these shrimp served with some type of sauce, although they were very flavorful without it.

190504 Cedar Point Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp (5)

Fact Sheet

What: Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp
Where: Lakeside Express (Cedar Point) and Crystal Rock Cafe (Cedar Point Shores)
Cost: $12.99
Dining Plan: Yes
Pros: Excellent flavor and unique menu item for the park.
Cons: Perhaps with a signature sauce, but really not needed.

190504 Cedar Point Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp (1)

190504 Cedar Point Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp (2)

190504 Cedar Point Funnel Cake Battered Fried Shrimp (3)

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