190817 Canada's Wonderland Flight Deck

During our family’s last trip to Canada’s Wonderland in 2019, the boys and I decided to ride Flight Deck at Canada’s Wonderland for the first time. The Vekoma roller coaster was opened in 1995 and themed after the Top Gun movie when the park was then owned by Paramount Parks. After Cedar Fair bought the Paramount Parks, the ride was renamed to Flight Deck. Now new clues hint that the ride may be on its last leg.

It is not too uncommon for the parks to announce the closure of a ride during Haunt season. After all, Kings Island announced the closure of their Vekoma Firehawk on Haunt night, 2018. So is this just a funny coincidence that the gravestone with RIP appears outside of Flight Deck?

Personally, we are not too sad if Flight Deck were to be removed, as we all agreed after riding it that the experience was very rough, and a one and done.

Flight Deck Aerial ©Google
Flight Deck Aerial ©Google

What is also interesting to consider is the area around Flight Deck.

While we have never rode Time Warp ourselves, everything we have heard is it is not the best ride experience. While not the biggest footprint, if Time Warp were to be removed in addition to Flight Deck, there is quite a large area that could be utilized for future attractions.

So if Flight Deck were to be removed, what would you like to see put in its place?

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