140508 Cedar Point Souvenir Drink Cups

CEDAR POINT HIDDEN UNLIMITED DRINK OPTIONS – Patrick writes in asking whether there is an option to be able to purchase an all-day wristband in lieu of carrying around the souvenir cup when visiting Cedar Point? He also wanted to know if there is an option to get unlimited souvenir cup refills without having to pay the $0.99 per refill fee after the first day?

Before we get to the answers, here are some quick refreshers.

Get an all-day wristband with the purchase of a ride and refresh ticket. It is unknown when this offer will be pulled, so if you plan on going before Labor Day this season, you may want to consider jumping in on this deal.

The all-day wristband will get you a cup of your choice of soft drink at the various stands around the park.

We have also been told that guests who wish to purchase the All-Day Wristbands should be able to purchase one at the front gate for $8-9 each. This would prevent having to go and carry the cup around all day, and is technically cheaper. Cedar Point is however trying to push the new ride and refresh tickets, which include the wristbands.

For guests who may already have purchased the all-season souvenir cup, you get charged $0.99 per refill for the remainder of the season. However, if you plan on drinking more than 5 refills for the day, you can reactivate your cup for $5.39. This option is only available for 2014 souvenir cups.

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