190420 Kings Island Miami River Brewhouse Impossible Burger (1)

New this year at Kings Island is the Miami River Brewhouse. This is the first restaurant that Executive Chef James Major played a major role in custom crafting the menu from top to bottom.

While many guests will flock to the more traditional menu items, one of the exciting new options that we were really excited to try was the Impossible Burger.

The Impossible Burger is one of the closest recreations of a burger made from plants, not meat. The substantial main ingredients are wheat and potato proteins, coconut oil and heme. If you have not tried the Impossible Burger yet, we think you may just love it!

The Vegan Burger includes Herb Mustard, Cucumber, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion. While it supposed to come with a vegan bun option, be sure to let them know if you want the this option when ordering if desired. All meals also include a side of tater tots, or as they like to call them in Rivertown, potato barrels.

190420 Kings Island Miami River Brewhouse Impossible Burger (2)

The Impossible Burger is also a regular menu item for the 2019 Kings Island Dining Plan, making many of us extremely happy to see this option included.

We have eaten the Impossible Burger many times outside the park, and always enjoyed it as a meat substitute. For those of us that are vegan, some may ask, “if you do not want to eat meat, why do you need a substitute?” Frankly, it is a great question and something we always thought of prior to going to a plant based lifestyle.

To be honest, it is not that we do not like meat. Making the choice to go vegan was a decision made to eat healthier. So when we can find an adequate meat substitute that closely mimics the real deal, but without the ethical and environmental consequences, we embrace it.

The Impossible Burger is not your typical veggie burger. This is an alternate product that closely mimics the characteristics of meat, but while being entirely made of plant components.

The Kings Island Impossible Burger is a great option to now have at our disposal to go alongside the many salads and other options throughout the park. Our only con is it was served light on sauce, so we asked for some extra on the side. Otherwise, great choice!

Fact Sheet

What: Impossible Burger
Where: Miami River Brewhouse (Kings Island)
Cost: $14.99
Calories: Unknown
Dining Plan: Yes
Pros: Great plant based option and included on the dining plan. Also love being able to get tater tots!
Cons: Ask for additional herb mustard on the side.

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