200222 Cedar Point Millennium Force Front Cover Plate ©BK

The Millennium Force roller coaster at Cedar Point offers a lot of nostalgic elements that guests cherish. From the station iconic music track, to of course being the world’s first coaster to top 300 feet tall.

Another maybe small detail has been the paint on the trains. The Millennium Force roller coaster has three trains, red, yellow and blue. Some guests like to claim certain trains run faster than others, but who knows if those claims are substantiated.

The front of the Millennium Force trains have long had a logo with an orange, yellow and white gradient that has been a signature that guests have loved. We even tried to duplicate it on our pinewood derby car (but were unsuccessful for little hands) and our 2015 award winning Halloween costume.

151021 Cedar Point Millennium Force Halloween Costume

Tony Clark has released a photo of the Millennium Force for the 2022 season, and oddly, the color gradient on the train logo has been eliminated. With the trains now on track, and the parking opening in only a couple of days, we do not expect the original logo to be installed this season.

220404 Cedar Point Millennium Force ©Tony Clark
©Tony Clark, Cedar Point

While a minor change, we suspect the keen eyed fans will notice the logo revision, and hopefully with the reduced paint, will increase the speed, regardless of train color.

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