170702 Dorney Park Character Meet Greet

One of the many reasons we love and appreciate Dorney Park is because they reward their season passholders with exclusive special events throughout the year.

For example, in 2017, Dorney Park offered three PEANUTS® character breakfasts that were completely FREE for season passholders! All you had to do was reserve a ticket in advance.

Dorney Park opens for the 2018 season May 5-6, and to celebrate their subscriber base, they are holding a Party with the PEANUTS® from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm both Saturday and Sunday of opening weekend.

Guests will be able to enjoy a complimentary character breakfast from 9:30-11:30 am each day and special activities with the characters until 1:00 pm.

Free tickets must be reserved on the Dorney Park website.

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