140628 Cedar Point Luminosity Cheers Bar (1)

Did you know guests looking to consume both wine and beer can choose from a fine selection at the Cedar Point Luminosity Cheers Bar, located across from the stage.

Starting at 4:00 PM nightly, the bar opens serving a variety of beer and wine from around the world.


Bottled Coca-Cola Products
Bottled Soda- $3.79
Bottled Water- $3.59
Powerade- $4.29

Goose Island Craft Beer- $6.99
Great Lakes Craft Beer- $6.99

140628 Cedar Point Luminosity Cheers Bar (2)

Red Wine
Apothic Red- $8.59
Red Rock Merlot- $7.59
Erath Pinot Noir- $6.29
Chateau St. Jean Cabernet- $12.59

White Wine
Chateau St. Michelle Riesling- $6.29
Davinci Pinot Grigio- $8.59
Kendall Jackson Chardonnay- $10.79
Apothic White- $8.59
Conundrum- $9.59
Berringer Sauvignon Blanc- $6.29

140718 Cheers Beer

140718 Cheers Wine

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