For guests visiting Kings Dominion during Spring Bloom Festival, they can taste some superb food prepared by Executive Chef Paul Maloney and take in wonderful landscaping and decorations. However, there is also a cute, Peanuts Easter Egg hunt parents can do with their kids.

Scattered throughout the Planet Snoopy area of the park are Peanuts themed decorated eggs of the various characters. Find eggs featuring Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally, and Schroeder.

Eggs measure approximately 3 feet in height and are made from a paper mache/fiberglass material, and then painted in their various characters. Some eggs are also placed with props associated with their character, like a blue blanket with Linus and a piano with Schroeder.

In 2014, the Snoopy egg was placed on top of his signature red doghouse, but it was not present this season.

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Which is your favorite Kings Dominion Peanuts Easter eggs?

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