220508 Cedar Point Back Beat Que Pickles (1)

Leader: New pickles now available at Cedar Point Back Beat Que

Why the heck would we make sure a big deal about pickles? Who cares, right?

In all fairness, we will eat or try almost anything. However, when it comes to pickles, we are not a fan. Cucumbers on a salad, we will do. But there is just something about a pickle that has never impressed us.

When chef Rob at Cedar Point said we were the perfect candidate to try his new bread and butter pickles, we sorta cringed in horror at the thought of having to try something we do not like.

All barbeque platters at Back Beat Que now come with choice of entrée + side, a square of cornbread, and the new pickles.

So we got our platter, and the first thing I was obligated to do was at least try the pickle. I carefully pulled one of the pickles from the pile, placed it in my mouth, and let the flavors work their magic.

What is this? The flavor is not what I usually anticipate when biting into a burger and mistakenly forgetting to pull out the pickles. This one was actually…quite lovely. So now for the true test, to sample it with some of the barbeque.

I first tried it with a slice of the brisket, which also happen to have a really delectable burnt end. With the pickle on top, I tried it. Whoa. The sweet and sour of the bread and butter pickle actually enhanced the flavor profile of the meat. So next I tried it on the smoked jalapeno sausage. Again, wow.

Did I mention how much I hate pickles? However, chef Rob, after working through several recipe variations and convincing the Cedar Point food & beverage department to let him go on this journey, has created a pickle, I dare say I enjoyed.

Much like the pickled onions that come on the burnt ends, we will actually for once enjoy the new Back Beat Que pickles with our bbq.

If you tried the pickles this season, let us know what you think in the comments.

220508 Cedar Point Back Beat Que Pickles (2)

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