Regardless of whether you plan on going to Carowinds this season alone or with friends and family, spending an entire day in the park can be exhausting if you do not plan accordingly with food and drink. We have gathered our four favorite values for saving money on food and beverages at Carowinds. See if you agree with our list below.

Carowinds Dining Plans

Regardless of whether you are only visiting the park once this summer or planning on using your season pass several times a month, the best value is the Carowinds dining plans. Considering a single meal will cost you approximately $10-15 on average, an All-Day Dining plan allows you to eat every 90 minutes. Eat more than two meals throughout your day, and you come out ahead.

For those with a season pass that plan on visiting more than 9 times, it is strongly recommended to purchase the All-Season Dining plan. Two meals a day gives you more than enough opportunities to enjoy some of the amazing food offerings throughout the park. Not to mention the All-Season Dining plan can be used not only at Carowinds, but all of the other Cedar Fair parks!

Refillable Souvenir Cups

No one can deny that you need to make sure you drink plenty of fluids throughout your visit to Carowinds. For guests traveling with friends and family, the best value is to purchase either of the all-season souvenir cups. The 2016 green souvenir cups get you free refills throughout your day of purchase and $1 refills all season, while the orange cups are for season passholders and are good for unlimited refills all season.

Keep in mind that it is best to leave the souvenir cups with a friend or family member that may not be riding every ride, as you will not be able to take them into all of the ride stations.

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Refillable Popcorn Buckets

Carowinds offers a souvenir popcorn bucket that is good for free refills on the day of purchase and $0.99 refills all season. The popcorn bucket is available at the Peanuts ICEE Pit Stop. While the signage says nothing about the $0.99 refill option, we have confirmed with park officials it is available as it is printed on the side of the bucket.

Kona Ice Refillable Cup

On a warm day, Kona Shaved Ice is a perfect treat. New for the 2016, guests can purchase a large refillable Kona Ice cup for $6.99. Then bring the cup back for only $3.59 refills!

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