160404 Carowinds Coffee Double Chocolate Funnel Cake (2)

Does your day need a pick-me-up? Would a funnel cake make your day just a little bit better? If you are headed to the Carolina’s this year, Chef Kris Siuta has created two new Carowinds signature funnel cakes that you must try, and trust us your palate will thank us!

The gourmet signature funnel cakes are located at both Surfer Joe’s Funnel Cake stand (located near the park entrance of Carolina Harbor and Carolina Cobra) and the Funnel Cake Emporium (located in Carowinds Plaza).

First is the Coffee Double Chocolate Funnel Cake. Chef Kris has infused the funnel cake batter with coffee, then topped it with chocolate chips, drizzled in both chocolate and caramel sauce, with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

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At first we were a little apprehensive about trying the infused funnel cake, as some of us do not drink or enjoy the taste of coffee. However, the taste of the coffee is very subtle and when paired with the various chocolates and caramel, bring out an amazingly delightful flavor combination. In fact, we enjoyed the Coffee Double Chocolate Funnel Cake so much, we went back and ordered another later.

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Next we tried Carowinds new Blackbeard’s Very Berry Funnel Cake. A traditional funnel cake is covered with an assorted berry topping and whipped cream. We are huge fans of berry anything, and Blackbeard’s funnel cake was fantastic! The sweetness of the berries had just the right flavor combination to pair with the moist funnel cake.

Carowinds has added two terrific funnel cake options to the park this year! We hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Let us know if you liked them below in the comments.

160404 Carowinds Blackbeard's Very Berry Funnel Cake (1)

Look for new fall signature funnel cake to be released later in the season.

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