The following is a historic look at gate price admission to Cedar Point over the years. Prices below typically reflect one-day regular “adult” tickets for those 48″ or taller to Cedar Point amusement park only without any discounts, unless where noted.
2025- $90.00
2024- $85.00
2023- $80.00
2022- $85.00
2021- $75.00
2020- $74.99
2019- $73.00
2018- $72.00
2017- $67.00
2016- $65.00
2015- $61.99
2014- $59.99
2013- $54.99
2012- $51.99
2011- $47.99
2010- $45.99
2009- $44.99
2008- $42.95
2007- $41.95
2006- $39.95
2005- $44.95
2004- $43.95
2003- $43.95
2002- $42.00
2001- $39.00
2000- $38.00
From 1996-1999, ticket prices reflected those 54″ and taller. For those years Cedar Point offered a special Tweener price point for those 48″-54″.
1999- $32.95
1998- $31.95
1997- $29.95
1996- $28.95
Prior to 1996, tickets were for guests 48″ and taller.
1995- $26.95
1994- $25.95
1993- $23.95
1992- $22.95
1991- $21.95
1990- $19.95
1989- $18.50
1988- $16.95
Prior to the 1988 season, ticket prices were based on age rather than height.
1987- $15.95
1986- $14.95
1985- $13.95
1984- $12.95
1983- $11.95
1982- $11.95
1981- $10.95
1980- $9.95
1979- $9.25
1978- $8.75
1977- $
1976- $
1975- $
1974- $
1973- $6.18
1972- $
1971- $6.00
1970- $
At some point in the 1970’s, Cedar Point switched from a pay to play model to an all-day admission program.
1968- $1 admission plus 35-50 cents per attraction; 10 ride ticket book $3.50 (includes free admission); All rides, all day $4.50 (includes free admission)
1967- Kiddieland 15 cents individual tickets; 75 cents for 6 coupons; $1.25 Kid Coupon Book for 11 rides; Monday, Wednesday, Friday ride all day for $4; Tuesday, Thursday 15 coupon book $3.75; Saturday, Sunday 12 coupon book $3.50
1966- Bargain Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays ride all day $3.50; Tuesdays, Thursdays 15 coupon book $3.25; Saturdays, Sundays 12 coupon book $3.00
1965- Kid Coupon Books were $1.00 for 9 Rides; Monday, Wednesday ride all day $3; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 ride book $2.50; Saturday, Sunday 12 ride book $3
1964- Kid Coupon Books were $1.00 for 9 Rides; Mondays ride all day $3; Wednesdays 2 rides for the price of 1; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 ride book $2.50
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Do you have ticket prices for the 1950’s?
That is all we have at this time. If you have details of historic records from that time, please let us know.
Why did admission prices go up every single year? Is inflation an ongoing thing that never stops or reverses? But 2023 it went down, but then up again this year. There are parks out there like Knoebel’s that don’t charge for admission or parking, and aren’t fenced. But parks that are fenced and charge admission if you attempt to sneak in without paying they will get security to deal with you and might even call the police.