HalloWeekends at Cedar Point first debuted in 1997, and a lot has changed over the years. When the event first started, teams ran down to their local party supply store, picking up Styrofoam gravestones and cheap decorations to fill the midway.
Cedar Point first debuted with only three Haunted Houses.
Today, HalloWeekends is a multi-million dollar affair, bringing in the latest technology and decorations to reinvent Haunt and revamp older mazes into something new.
So we thought it would be interesting to look back in the archives at how HalloWeekends at Cedar Point has evolved over the years.
CarnEvil (2004-2014) “Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up…to Cedar Point’s haunted walk-through attraction, CarnEvil. In this dark, dank world you’ll come face-to-face with bizarre residents of a sinister sideshow, all eager to display their grotesque talents.”
CarnEvil originally was located on the Wicked Twister midway, later moved to the Gemini midway and Camp Snoopy.
Fear-y Tales (2015-2016)
The shortest lived scare zone to ever exist at Cedar Point, Fear-y Tales told the twisted tales of your favorite storybook characters gone mad.
Toxic Tunnel of Terror (1998-2003)
A haunted house located in the picnic pavilion near the front of the park that visits the world of toxic chemicals and the horrible inhabitants who want you to stay.

Lair of the Vampire (2004-2007)
“Explore this world of the undead and, you’ll walk with creatures of the night eagerly seeking new members for their unholy society.
Long, long ago, the inhabitants of the Lair of the Vampire were just like you. But then they were lost forever, their souls and lives stolen by creatures who stalk the night. Now they wait in the shadows, seeking unfortunate new victims to share their tortured existence. Located on the Main Midway near the Hofbrau restaurant, this gothic dwelling’s wayward souls defy gravity! This is one haunted house NOT for the weak of stomach.”
Club Blood (2008-2012)
Eden Musee (2013-2016)
Fear Faire (2006-2013)
Screamworks (2010-2017)
Cedar Point Cemetery (1997-1999)
One of the original three Haunted Houses, located inside the former Disaster Transport queue.

Pharaoh’s Secret (2000-2008)
Pharaoh’s Secret explores the many terrible secrets of a pyramid. Located inside the Disaster Transport building.

Happy Jack’s Toy Factory (2009-2011)
Terror Island (2008-2011)
Eerie Manor (1997-2000)
One of the original three haunted houses at Cedar Point. Located in the former Frontier Carousel building.

Undertaker U. (2001-2009)
Undertaker U is located in the carousel pavilion near Wave Swinger (by Frontier Town). Undertaker U gives all people who are brave enough to enter to graduate from the “School of Mortuary Science” with a major in screaming.
Eternity Infirmary (2010-2016)
Werewolf Canyon (2003-2007)
Located along the Frontier Trail. The following is from the official press release.
SANDUSKY, Ohio, Sept. 3, 2003 – Cedar Point is one of the oldest amusement park/resorts in the world and has been home to some of the wildest roller coasters and live entertainment around. That’s right, “wild” live entertainment. For those of you who don’t remember, Cedar Point is home to a wildlife refuge. Located in the back of the park, Werewolf Canyon is a refuge for wolves and various wildlife that have strayed into populated areas of the country. The following is the story behind Werewolf Canyon – Cedar Point’s Wildlife Reserve and the NEWEST attraction at HalloWeekends.

“In the Summer of 1976, Cedar Point debuted Werewolf Canyon. Now remember, Cedar Point wasn’t in the habit of building the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the universe yet, so Werewolf Canyon was something that guests would flock to the park to see. The wildlife refuge features a canyon, which resembles a wolves’ natural habitat, and cages for the wolves at night. Guests who visit Werewolf Canyon during the day can watch the wolves from the safety of the midway and view their empty cages. However, during the evening when the wolves are returned to their cages, guests can tour the canyon and view their habitat up close and personal. The habitat has gone almost completely unnoticed, that is, until Timber came to the refuge.
Earlier this year, park officials were notified of a wolf named Timber that was captured in northern Wisconsin. Timber was a vicious wolf that had been responsible for the eradication of six entire herds of livestock. When Timber was examined, scientists discovered traces of human DNA in his blood stream. Meaning … yes, you guessed it, actual proof of the first live werewolf!
Timber was introduced into the pack at Cedar Point to see how he would interact with the other wolves. Almost immediately the other wolves began to get more aggressive, even fighting with each other and the refuge’s keepers. Since it was obvious that Timber was instigating the aggressive behavior in the other wolves, he was removed from the refuge and placed in a cage in the keeper’s office. Guests who visit Cedar Point during the park’s annual HalloWeekends event can take the guided tour of Werewolf Canyon, and, if lucky, can even catch a glimpse of Timber in his cage.
Three caretakers are in charge of Werewolf Canyon. One of the caretakers greets guests as they arrive at the canyon, a second watches over the wolves in their cages at night, while the third is in charge of the tours through the canyon.
“ I highly recommend to anyone who comes to HalloWeekends that they check out Werewolf Canyon,” quipped Lance Heal, one of the three caretakers at the refuge. “But I have to warn you, Timber does not like to be caged up. We have taken every precaution to keep him locked up, but…”
Have a favorite Cedar Point HalloWeekends Haunted House or Scare Zone that you miss? Let us know below in the comments.
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