Cedar Point’s final day of the 2014 season, Sunday, November 2, had some great food offers for guests. In addition to dollar sodas, burgers, and hot dogs, all candy in the park was marked 75% off.

Our family used it as a chance to stock up on some Christmas stocking stuffers for our kids. We were not able to get to Cedar Point until around 4:30 PM, making it sort of like a scavenger hunt to find the remaining candy in the park that had yet to be picked over. However, we still think we cleaned up pretty nicely with some candy that is not typically found in area stores. Lets take a peak into some of the candy items we purchased.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Laffy Taffy
Laffy Taffy

The large Laffy Taffy happen to be more difficult to locate compared with their smaller snack size counterpart. Laffy Taffy also happen to be a favorite of our kids, so these were a perfect stocking stuffer. Laffy Taffy regular price $1.75 ($0.44 after sale).

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Chick-O-Stick

Chick-O-Stick is another one of those peanut buttery candies that you just can not find anywhere.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Star Wars M&Ms Flashlights
Star Wars M&Ms Flashlights

We picked up these cute Star Wars M&Ms figures that are LED flashlights with a small container of M&Ms.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Star Wars M&Ms Lightsabers
Star Wars M&Ms Lightsabers

The Star Wars Lightsabers light-up and feature a small container of M&Ms in the base. These also happen to be the most expensive item we purchased all day, with a regular price of $9.99, marked down to $2.50.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Assorted Large Jelly Belly Gummies
Assorted Large Jelly Belly Gummies

Another family favorite, Jelly Belly Pet Rat (regular $4.99), Pet Tarantula (regular $3.75), Pet Cockroach (regular $3.99), and Pet Dinosaur (regular $3.75) gummies. Averaged out to $1.03 each after the 75% discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Gummy Pet Dinosaur & Baby Bottle Popsicle
Jelly Belly Gummy Pet Dinosaur & Baby Bottle Popsicle

More Pet Dinosaurs and Baby Bottle Popsicle ($2.75 regular; $0.69 after discount)

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs (Chocolate)
Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs (Chocolate)

These Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs, made of solid milk chocolate with a candy shell will be a great treat. Regular price $2.99; $0.75 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy ICEE Spray Candy
ICEE Spray Candy

The ICEE Spray Candy was something we wanted to try all season, but could not stomach dropping the $2.99 regular price compared to the cost of an ICEE in the park (Regular $4.59, Large $4.99). The ICEE Spray Candy was quite sour, and honestly provided enough laughs and pucker faces to be totally worth the $0.75 cost.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy LockJaw Squeeze Candy
Lock Jaw Squeeze Candy

We were really interesting in trying the Lock Jaw Squeeze Candy, a combination of sour and sweet in flavors Blue Raspberry, Grape, and Strawberry. With a grainy, tooth paste consistency, these were not that great tasting. Regular price $2.99; $0.75 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Whirly Pop Suckers
Whirly Pop Suckers

Everyone enjoys a classic Whirly Pop, regular price $2.99; $0.75 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Avengers Captain America Spinner
Avengers Captain America Spinner

Ok, we can admit these were bought more for the cooler Avengers spinner than the small little candies. Regular price $9.99; $2.50 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Gummy Snake
Gummy Snake

Gummy snake, approximately 12″ in length. Regular price $2.75; $0.69 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Candy Tools
Candy Tools

Cute plastic tools filled with candy. Regular price $2.59; $0.63 after discount.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy Avengers Hulk Spinner
Avengers Hulk Spinner

Lastly, another Avengers spinner, this time featuring Hulk. Regular price $6.99; $1.75 on sale.

In addition to the candy sale, we picked up a couple other items that will keep our kids reminded of Cedar Point during the off season.

141102 Cedar Point Customer Appreciation Candy

Were you able to stock up on any great candy items at the Cedar Point customer appreciation day event?

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