The time has come where guests try to decode what is going to be happening at Kings Island for 2020.

Ever since the removal of Firehawk at the end of 2018, guests have been rampant trying to discover clues for what could be coming to Kings Island in 2020, if anything.

190517 Kings Island Former Firehawk Site

Then in May 2019, guests noticed quite a bit of land clearing back where Dinosaurs Alive used to reside, leaving a large patch of open area between Firehawk to beyond Windseeker.

190517 Kings Island Land Clearing

Over the last several months, guests have been able to see footers being poured across the site.

Now, we have our first official teaser posters that have shown up on the wall outside of the former Firehawk station. There are lots of interesting tidbits on these posters. Lets have some FUN!

Firehawk Poster

190722 Kings Island Firehawk Poster 2

Invertigo Poster

190722 Kings Island Invertigo Poster 2

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