150409 Carowinds Chickie's and Pete's Pizza

What is the best flat ride at Carowinds? Without a doubt, it must be the Chickie’s and Pete’s Pizza. We decided to pay a visit to the Carowinds Chickie’s and Pete’s and try out their pepperoni pizza, which at $14.99 for an entire pizza is quite a bargain!

The pizza is served on thin crust, covered in pizza cheese, sauce, loads of pepperoni, and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. You get 8 slices of pizza.

Overall, we were really impressed with the Chickie’s & Pete’s pizza. The sauce had great flavor, paired with the crispy pepperoni since they were baked on top. The thin crust pairs nicely and makes sure you do not get weighed down for the day of riding.

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