160724 Kings Island Malt-O-Meal Flavor Nation ©KICentral
Kings Island Malt-O-Meal Flavor Nation ©KICentral

The Malt-O-Meal company is traveling across the United States hosting taste testing events titled as the Flavor Nation. For the 2016 season, Malt-O-Meal is visiting two of the Cedar Fair parks.

July 23-24, 2016 Kings Island

August 12-14, 2016 Kings Dominion

For the Kings Island event, the Flavor Nation booth was set up right outside the main entrance to the park. There guests could sample up to 34 different kinds of cereal under the Malt-O-Meal brand.

Did you get to see the #FlavorNation exhibit? Let us know what you thought below in the comments.

160814 Kings Dominion Malt-O-Meal Setup ©Nick Cox
Kings Dominion Malt-O-Meal Setup ©Nick Cox

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