150501 Kings Island Chick-fil-A Menu
Via KIFansite

KINGS ISLAND CHICK-FIL-A DINING PLAN- Here we are only a couple weeks into the opening of Kings Island for the season, and one of the biggest news stories for those on the meal plans is that Chick-fil-A has been added to the dining plans! While the announcement has not been made official on any company meal plan lists as of the time of this posting, Kings Island has confirmed they are in the testing phase of including Chick-fil-A as a dining plan option.

Reference: Kings Island Dining Plans

So the question then is what can you eat at Kings Island Chick-fil-A on the dining plan?

Thanks to Jarrett from KIFansite, we have confirmation on what meals are included as part of the dining plans.

If you are part of the All-Day or All-Season dining plan, you can get the following meals:

– Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich and Waffle Fries

– 8 Count Chick-fil-A Nuggets and Waffle Fries

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